Tuesday, October 19, 2010

2 Minutes

Finally, after nearly 10 months of not playing, I felt strong enough to tune the beast a week and a half ago. No burning feeling in the back of my hands as I tuned. Miraculously, I got it rough tuned in less than an hour.

Woo hoo!!!  I was ecstatic!

Cautiously ecstatic.

I played for two minutes. Retrieved Little Red Haired Boy from memories in muscles and mind's ear. Then Swallow Tail Jig.

Later that night, another 2 minutes yielded Farewell to Whiskey and Irish Washerwoman.

Kept to about 2 to 4 minutes of playing at a clip over the next few days and was able to bring back another half dozen tunes or so.

Alas, mizzly weather and/or more work to do at work and/or the three-steps-forward-two-back nature of healing gave me a really bad hand weekend, so, no tuning. No playing.

As a result, the beast is not so very in tune this week. But at least I'm back to my rigorous regimen of playing for 2 to 4 minutes per day.

It's nice to be back. Even if only for 2 minutes.

1 comment:

  1. Being back at all is progress; look forward to hearing you play sometime ... :-) Linda Albertson
