Tuesday, September 8, 2009

A Yes Answer to a Non-Prayer

I've often heard preachers say that God always answers your prayers, but sometimes the answer is "no."

The Bible says, "Ye have not because ye ask not." And, it says, "Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts."

The message is pretty clear:

  • You won't get anything if you don't pray.

  • The answer to greedy, lustful prayers is "no."

  • The answer to other prayers is also sometimes "no."

Well, asking God for a new dulcimer would definitely have been greedy. With a Dusty Strings 12/11 at work and a Dusty Strings 16/15 at home, I already had more dulcimers than somebody of my skill level deserves.

Nevertheless, I wanted a new dulcimer. I wanted that rich, full sound you hear on Scott Williams' CDs. I wanted that sustain that goes on forever and those low notes that get into your bones. And, I wanted the 5 extra notes you get on a chromatic dulcimer.

Sounds a bit like lust, doesn't it? Maybe with a bit of coveting my neighbor's Masterworks thrown in. Definitely not prayer material.

But, this year I am learning that God sometimes answers "yes" to the prayers that we don't pray.

In the midst of all this not praying, I received Scott's latest email to his adoring fans.

Now, Scott's emails never have "for sale" info. And, you never see people selling their full-sized Masterworks dulcimers. And, a used dulcimer worth having would never, ever be at a price worth the 4 hour round-trip to the LA/Riverside area.

Never was last Sunday.

And, now the answer to my non-prayer is in our music room, a reminder that sometimes we don't have to ask. Sometimes God just gives us the desires of our hearts.

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